Quantum leap to a brighter future with quantum physicist, author and speaker Mikael Säflund. We chat about transformation and more joyful beliefs in very fearful and harsh times. The almost total mind control is falling apart and we now have the opportunity to create the future we want. Mikael guides us through an experience with instant shifts with a simple tool. How has history corrupted us? Who are we? Why is our energy harvested? How can quantum physics change us?
About Mikael Säflund

Im helping people by remembering them who they really are trough my talks and courses. My story is quite extraordinary - from active sail competitor to theatre to professional actor on Dramaten and then being Director of several plays and musicals on big theatre in Stockholm like Oscarsteatern. To achieve masters degree in entrepreneurship and then starting the Teaterakademien for actors and artists training. Meanwhile studying Quantum Physics and consciousness beside. I have also under ten years been on a mission from the government - educated Police, Prosecutors and Court Judges in ethics and behavior. I've traveled the world and learnt about consciousness and quantum physics. Met most of my inspirers and scientist I've read - and learnt we have been lied to for such long time, and most of the earth population believe in the lie. This was something we have to change as soon as possible. That lead to - I started the company Consciousness Technologies AB 2012 in order to inform people about the new science proving we are divine and extremely potent creators. And train them in this technology.
Im now working in many country's and I'm meeting wonderful people all over the world who have had it - and they all are extremely talented attendees on my courses. So everything in the teachings and training in the courses is how fast we can create and uncreate reality. We can shift Physical, Mental and Emotional states whit in seconds and thats the only truth. Everything else is BS...
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- Wholyland memberhood site - where the impossible becomes a reality
- Oliver & Toras (Susana) mentoring programs
- Pam the Health Genie
- Tora & Ulrikas reactivated embodiment programs
- Tora & Ulrikas Unfuckwithable blog (w. posts in Swedish and English)
- Oliver and Toras (Susana) travel blog
- Jon the Magic Musician
Our Books
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Free book - 'Footsteps for Freedom - How we have been Tricked to Agree to Slavery'.