163 Steps to Wholistic Solvent Sovereignty w. kenneth scott

Practical Steps to Wholistic Solvent Sovereignty with kenneth scott (AKA Ken Cousens) Co founder of PanTerra D’Oro Private Society and Private Contract Association. Ken describes common law and its history, canon law, ecclesiastic law, commercial law, martial law and different jurisdictions. He walks us through the history of the money system, the importance of solvency […]
162 Change the World with the Power of 8 w. Lynne McTaggart

Lynne McTaggart, award winning author and a central voice in the new consciousness movement chats on how we can Change the World with the Power of 8. We look into the keys to work with intention experiments and power of 8 groups. How can we heal and change our lives? What miracles happen when we […]
161 Quantum leap to a brighter future w. Mikael Säflund

Quantum leap to a brighter future with quantum physicist, author and speaker Mikael Säflund. We chat about transformation and more joyful beliefs in very fearful and harsh times. The almost total mind control is falling apart and we now have the opportunity to create the future we want. Mikael guides us through an experience with […]
160 The Esoteric Approach to Exit the Matrix w. kenneth scott

The Esoteric Approach to Exit the Matrix with Kenneth Scott (AKA Ken Cousens) co-founder of PanTerra D’Oro. A Private Society and Private Contract Association. A deep and meaningful conversation into the various types of laws, tricks and traps of the mainstream approach to sovereignty. He describes the parasitic nature and mirroring of the controlling part […]
159 Hold on or dare to let go w. Sacha Stone

Hold on or dare to let go of the spells of delusions with the freedom, sovereignty and human rights activist Sacha Stone. Are you one who will sink as the ship goes down or will you swim to be part of the new consciousness of middle earth? We chat about the tight illuminati grip of […]
158 Bring out your full Potential w. Wynford Dore

Bring out your full Potential with Wynford Dore founder of Zing Performance and discover the power to transform your life. The key hides deep inside your brain and is just waits for you to activate it. Wynford shares his touching story that led him on a journey of discovery of how the brain works and […]