135 You, the Galactic Federation and NO Fear w. Elizabeth April
The un-labelable Elizabeth April who intuitively channels the Galactic Federation, helps us innerstand the past, present and future. We chat about the collapse of timelines, karma and dream states. She shares how to dismantle fear, handle money and 3D energies. What can we expect in 2021? How are we affected by Atlantis and Lemuria today? How can we […]
020 A Multidimensional Reality for a better Future w. Christian Pankhurst
In this multidimensional wide ranging episode Susana and Pam chat with Christian Pankhurst founder of the Heart IQ™ Method, on everything from life and death to every facet in between. Christian shares the benefits of the Heart IQ™ Method and a synergetic community in facing fear and uncertainty and his vision for the future. The […]