159 Hold on or dare to let go w. Sacha Stone

Hold on or dare to let go of the spells of delusions with the freedom, sovereignty and human rights activist Sacha Stone. Are you one who will sink as the ship goes down or will you swim to be part of the new consciousness of middle earth? We chat about the tight illuminati grip of […]
150 Who is behind the unhidden doors? w. David Icke

David Icke the world known English conspiracy theorist and author is back in the house for our 150th episode to reveal who is behind the unhidden doors. We open the door into the matrix and outline the consciousness of todays ‘real life’ Mr Smith and his handlers. Why do they want to ‘build back better’? […]
130 New Human Relations w. Anneli Påmark & Carl Österberg

We chat with Anneli Påmark & Carl Österberg co founders of Human Awareness, about new ways of being and relating. We explore how things will change in the great awakening with awareness, honesty and love. We dive into love relations, its shadows and the importance of embodiment. How do we live the impossible? How do […]